Random files - White Mountain Town Litter |

Lisbon - Day 8467 views2.40 Pounds.

Puppy Aptitude Testing569 viewsLisbon.

Conway - Day 49526 views13.90 Pounds.

Debbie and Kyle with Lilli.730 views

Balsam and Tennescott White Mtns Town Puppies - Day 3501 viewsRandolph, Thornton, Conway, Bartlett & Lisbon (left to right).

Bartlett - Day 8471 views

Puppy Aptitude Testing559 viewsThornton.

Puppy Feet - Day 33502 views
Last additions - White Mountain Town Litter |

Randolph goes home with the Monovich Family785 viewsViola, Robert, Ed, Lauren and Thea take "Ueli" (pronounced "Ooley")formerly known as Randolph, home to Belmont, MA.Aug 09, 2014

Conway goes home with Dave and Suzy Enos716 views"Tucker", formerly known as Conway, goes home to Bedford, MA.Aug 09, 2014

Randolph - Day 56935 views17.65 Pounds.Aug 08, 2014

Debbie Kennedy and Kyle Doucette with Lisbon709 viewsLisbon goes home to Guilford, CT and is re-named Lilli.Aug 08, 2014

Debbie and Kyle with Lilli.730 viewsAug 08, 2014

Balsam and Lisbon - Day 56702 viewsLast playtime and saying goodbye.Aug 08, 2014

Dalton - Day 56692 views17.20 Pounds.Aug 08, 2014

Conway - Day 56685 views15.85 Pounds.Aug 08, 2014