
Random files - Our Dogs |

Ripley at 2008 BMDCA National Specialty904 viewsTennescott White Mtns Ripley Falls takes 2nd place in the 6-9 month bitch class. She was one of the youngest dogs in her class of 15 puppies.

Kessie Ripley Balsam and Laukie453 viewsKessie is 10 years and 7 Months Old!

Grander learning to stack.779 views

Rufous - Ten Years Old811 viewsBrandywine's Rufous Sided Towhee
October 12, 1997 - October 30, 2007

Balsam BOS BMDC of Ontario Sweeps586 viewsBalsam just 9 months old.

Laukie - Therapy Dog582 viewsLaukie was in a commercial for Littleton Regional Healthcare.

Champion1396 viewsKessie
CH Tennescott American Kestrel CD, CGC, TDIA
AKC WS025516/03
Date of Birth November 25, 2002
AKC Canine Good Citizenship May 23, 2004
TDI Certification May 23, 2004
Tennescott Notch Litter - Whelped November 16, 2004
AKC Championship - June 17, 2004
AKC Novice Obedience Companion Dog - June 25, 2005
Tennescott Presidential Mount Litter - Whelped January 11, 2006
TDIA - January 31, 2006
BMDCA Novice Draft Dog - October 7, 2006
BMDCA Draft Dog - October 22, 2006
BMDCA Draft Dog #2 - April 22, 2007
Tennescott White Mountain Water Fall Litter Whelped - September 30, 2007
BMDCA Draft Dog #3 - April 23, 2008
BMDCA Top Producer - August 3, 2008

Balsam and Ripley568 views3 Months Old.

Last additions - Our Dogs |

Ripley and Balsam - Winning their Versatility Excellent Classes794 viewsBMDCA National Specialty 2016Jul 04, 2016

Brace Draft with Daughter Balsam764 viewsBMDCA National Specialty 2016Jul 04, 2016

Balsam - Best Of Breed - BMDCNV Supported Entry653 viewsLadies Kennel Club June 5, 2016.
Shown beautifully by Sara Gregware.Jul 04, 2016

Balsam - Best Of Breed - BMDCNV Supported Entry645 viewsLadies Kennel Club June 4, 2016.
Shown beautifully by Sara Gregware.Jul 04, 2016

Balsam and Ripley Versatility Excellent Class Wins - BMDCA Specialy 2106648 viewsJul 04, 2016

Balsam - New ABNDD at BMDCA Specialty 2016656 viewsJul 04, 2016

Dalton - New AKC Champion - 23 Months Old722 viewsCH Tennescott White Mtns Dalton - Shown beautifully by Sara Gregware.Jul 04, 2016

Alpenhorn Ad701 viewsDesigned by Beth Schmoyer.Dec 28, 2015
