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Pippi McDade1397 viewsDancing!

Yuri and Engus with Sherry and Tom Tolle from the Inn at Maplemont Farm1574 views

Connie Harry and Barbie572 views

Conway NH 2012 Parade467 viewsPhotograph by 3Sixty.com

Bill with Ripley and Balsam, Buffy with Mac and Moriah and Lynn with Bentley and Molly768 views

Cory, Tressy and Lynn with Bentley and Molly632 views

A Happy Group734 views

Littleton 2008678 views
Last additions - Parade |

Littleton Christmas Parade 2104746 viewsRipleyand Balsam with Bill, Barbie with Laukie, Dan with Dalton, Buffy with Mac and Moriah, Lynn with Bentley and Molly.
Photo by Lloyd Jones.Dec 01, 2014

Littleton Christmas Parade 2104929 viewsBentley and Molly Jones.
Photo by Lloyd Jones.Dec 01, 2014

Littleton Christmas Parade 2104626 viewsLynn with Bentley and Molly.
Photo by Lloyd Jones.Dec 01, 2014

Littleton Christmas Parade 2104653 viewsBill with Ripley and Balsam, Cory, Lynn with Bentley and Molly.
Photo by Lloyd Jones.Dec 01, 2014

Littleton Christmas Parade 2104661 viewsBarbie with Laukie, Dan with Dalton, Buffy with Mac and Moriah, Bil with Ripley and Balsam, Cory, Lynn with Bentley and Molly.
Photo by Lloyd Jones.Dec 01, 2014

Littleton Christmas Parade 2104653 viewsBuffy with Mac and Moriah, Bill with Ripley and Balsam, Cory, Bentley and Molly. In the back is Steve Kramer and Saco Bear who joined us during the parade.
Photo by Lloyd Jones.Dec 01, 2014

Littleton Christmas Parade 2104688 viewsBarbie with Laukie, Buffy, Dan, Moriah, Bill with Ripley and Balsam, Cory, Lynn with Bentley and Molly.
Photo by Lloyd Jones.Dec 01, 2014

Littleton Christmas Parade 2104676 viewsBarbie with Laukie, Dan with Dalton, Buffy with Mac and Moriah.
Photo by Lloyd Jones.Dec 01, 2014