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Snowden with Standard Basic Red Oak with Mahogany Slats Wagon3641 views

Bob and Deluxe Wagon (Curly Cherry with Curly Maple Slats)3092 views

Cole Barsema774 views

Weslie, Julie and Toby Schafer, and Mikey778 views

Max with Pooh and Standard SizeDeluxe White Oak Wagon3827 views

Signe Strawser Teaches a Friend's Rottie To Cart753 views

Mac with 2005 our Fresh Cut Christmas Tree at The Rocks Estate in Bethlehem, NH4758 views

Acie and Georgina Cornell - New CKC DD732 viewsAcie, with his training wheel cart, is the first Norwegian Buhund to pass the CKC DD test. They had a flawless performance.
Last additions - Satisfied Customers |

GCH CH Ahquabi’s Fergus the First, RE, CD, GN, NDD, DD, ANDD, Versatility Dog731 views"Family" passes at Greater Twin Cities draft test (from left): John Anderson and Gus (father), Veronica Moyle and Daisy (daughter), apprentice judge Kathy Berge, judge Jennifer Brightbill, judge Steve Dudley, Jessica Briggle and Laney (mother). Oct 26, 2013

Acie and Georgina Cornell - New CKC DD848 viewsAcie, with his training wheel cart, is the first Norwegian Buhund to pass the CKC DD test. What a wonderful team!Jun 11, 2013

Acie and Georgina Cornell - New CKC DD732 viewsAcie, with his training wheel cart, is the first Norwegian Buhund to pass the CKC DD test. They had a flawless performance.Jun 11, 2013

Indie and Karma Bacon1009 viewsNew BNDD Dogs with a Wilczek Woodworks Deluxe Large Cart (Maple base with Lace Wood Slats)Apr 08, 2013

Boomer Bogdan940 viewsBoomer and Jody Bogdan complete their MDD and ANDD titles.Feb 20, 2012

Berlyn Ibelshauser 1359 viewsCH Stockli's Berlyn New CKC DDJan 07, 2012

Wookie and Albireo Stephenson1119 viewsJan 07, 2012

Heath (Collie) and Shadow (Bouv)1245 viewsOwned by Ken Leavee and Candace CrouchJan 07, 2012