Dogs and Other Animal Rugs

Belgians and Berners904 viewsNo. 4 Cut on rug warp.

Mac in the Daisies668 viewsStarted at HRAG Camp in August, 2015. Michele Micarelli was my teacher.

Mac in the Daisies715 views

Loon rug1349 views

Moose Proddy Rug1014 views

Photo used for Mac and Rufous Rug917 views

Photo used for Mac and Rufous Rug927 views

Berner Rug1149 viewsMac and Rufous

Mac and Rufous Rug992 views

Photo used for Kessie and Puppies Rug1595 views

Photo for Kessie Rug1039 views

Kessie and her Notch Litter1222 views