
Jackson and Moosilauke - Day 9629 views

Jackson and Moosilauke - Day 9639 views

Moosilauke, Moriah, Lafayette and Jackson - Day 9470 views

Moriah and Lafayette - Day 9630 views

Moriah and Lafayette - Day 9660 views

Lafayette - Day 11422 viewsStop tickling my tummy!

Lafayette - Day 11412 viewsLafayette getting her first dremel manicure.

Lafayette - Day 11452 viewsShowing off her new manicure.

Moosilauke - Day 11443 viewsMousilauke getting his first dremel manicure.

Four SLeeping Angels - Day 10699 viewsTop to bottom, Jackson, Lafayette, Moriah and Moosilauke.

Puppies - Fed and Washed - Day 11470 viewsLafayette is showing that we must put higher sides up on the whelping box.

Puppy Watching - Day 10473 viewsKessie and Balsam on the bed are allowed to watch but not touch.