
Day 16419 viewsMoosilauke escapes out of the whelping box. Was it the good Thanksgiving smells coming out of the kitchen?

Day 16434 viewsPuppies are Outgrowing the Whelping Box. Do we add sides or move them?

Jackson Day 17429 viewsDon't Fence Me In!

Puppies Interacting Day 17440 viewsMoosilauke and Lafayette.

Puppies Day 17437 viewsPups figuring out where Mom went.

Day 18438 viewsPuppies enjoy their new space.

Day 17432 viewsBalsam has a discussion with Moriah while Moosilauke takes a walk.

Day 17 - Moving Day443 viewsRipley checks out the new pen while Balsam says what is going on now?

4000 Footer Litter - Day 21440 views

Jackson - Day 20426 viewsDon't Fence Me In!

Lafayette - Day 20435 viewsTakes On The World

Lafayette - Day 21443 views